Acupuncture is a practice of Chinese medicine herbal insertion of fine needles in specific areas of the skin. Supporters of acupuncture, the body composed of energy pathways called meridians different. When imbalances occur in certain meridians in the body, a person may be more likely to gain weight. Insertion of needles into the meridians imbalance is supposed to reduce stress, improve metabolism and digestion, reduces appetite and food fight against drug-related.
Before receiving acupuncture for weight loss, a person usually responds with a trained acupuncturist for a consultation. Acupuncture can review the patient's medical history and eating habits, then a diagnosis of tongue and pulse. He or she examines the language of a patient in case of irregularities, cracks or discoloration is believed to digestive problems in traditional Chinese medicine. An acupuncturist also takes the pulse of a patient to determine digestive problems. For example, an irregular heartbeat in the right wrist is believed to indicate a malfunction of the colon, lung, spleen and stomach, while the left wrist pulse is representative of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, and the performance of the small intestine.
The whole body acupuncture was performed so that the bodies are thought to malfunction due to an energy imbalance. Acupuncture London offers weight loss therapy in a cost effective way to their patients. Acupuncture weight loss is usually tailored to the patient's specific imbalances. If the patient's weakness is believed to be partly due to impulsiveness or addiction, the needles can be placed near the mouth, stomach, skin or areas in the lungs. Needles are designed to improve the flow of energy in the regions of the release of the meridian pathways.
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